A Star Is Born

Hi again! If you don't already know, General the penguin (me) has starred in quite a few Jammer movies.

Guintopia! Movies (2014)
General is a recurring character in the Guintopia! movies. You can visit Guintopia! at www.youtube.com/guintopia.
  1. Guintopia! The Ghost of Scam! (5/26/2014)
  2. Guintopia! Liar, Be Mine (5/26/2014)
  3. Guintopia! Horses-Only Glitch (6/8/2014)
  4. Guintopia! The Penguin & The Party (6/8/2014)
The Jammers Episodes (2012-2014)
This series was the first General appeared on. He is a major character in The Jammers. This series is not available on the Internet as of 2014.

General Today Episodes (2014)
This series is my own work, starring General as the main protagonist. The series is exclusive to my blog (you can't watch it anywhere else). All of the videos are listed (in release order, not production order) below.
  1. Guide to Late Night News
  2. Guide to Leaving Items
  3. Guide to Ocean Animals
  4. Guide to Generally Awesome Tips
  5. Guide to Dens
  6. Guide to General's Achievement
  7. Guide to the Summer Carnival
General also appears in select videos from Heartag123, but the videographer has discontinued their channel and is planning on retiring (as well as erasing their YouTube channel). Therefore, I won't list the videos here because they may be deleted in the future.