Thursday, September 3, 2015

When Lynxes Attack

Today, AJHQ introduced lynxes! They're the fifth cat animal available (after tigers, lions, snow leopards and cheetahs), and the second cat introduced not to be a member of the Panthera genus (tigers, lions and snow leopards all belong to the Panthera genus, but cheetahs do not). Now enough with all of the facts, it's time to share how cute AJ lynxes are!

General Bravelynx, in General's Tech Centre
In other, arguably more important,'s AJ's fifth birthday! You can go the AJ Birthday Party by clicking on the Parties icon and waiting for it to be held, as usual. It's also been about three years since your ol' pal General signed up for AJ, but there's no party for that yet...

That's all for now, Jammers! Happy AJ Birthday!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Radicand in the Sky with Roboeagles

Animal Jam's newest party, the Cloud Party, has become quite popular! This is most likely due to its exclusiveness: only members who have purchased either an eagle or owl from the Diamond Shop can enter. General thinks that the party should be changed to incorporate all animals by adding a ground layer at the bottom, even though he has every animal released so far (including both flying birds).

Enough criticism! Now it's time for a super-cool gallery of Lord Radicand and Mr Roboeagle at the Cloud Party!

Lord Radicand in the Storm
Lord Radicand Partying with other owls
Mr Roboeagle with the rainbow
That's all for now, Gen-Fans!

- General

Monday, June 15, 2015

General & Enchanted Earth!

I have wonderful news, Jammers! That news is Enchanted Earth! According to the few sources I have found with articles about it, Enchanted Earth will be a series of merchandise (including plushies and figures) based on a group of brand-new characters, in turn based on AJ animals. These characters have their own names and designs. Here are two popular pictures of Enchanted Earth!

The characters of Enchanted Earth!
An article all about Enchanted Earth!
My friend Captain noticed that most articles say it's AJ's first toy deal; this is not true! They made Sidekix Plushies of AJ animals a while ago, but they've become very rare. Captain has the Sidekix and wants to compare the new penguin to the original Sidekix toy!

That's all for now!

See you later,
General B.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

General's Gecko

Greetings, gecko-lovers! Today marks an important day in Animal Jam history - the day pet geckos arrive! General had five diamonds (from the Play Wild BETA code), so he used three to buy an awesomely cute new gecko pet. Gecko plushies - my friend Captain (Squiddaddy) has both - and gecko banners - Captain has one, too - were available back in the BETA Days.

General and his pet gecko, Toyfrog, in Captain's den
There were also a few new updates along with the geckos. New loading screens, the Cruise Ship Party's return, the removal of polar bears and more! Log on to AJ now and see for yourself!

That's about it for today. Tune in next time for a special post about rainbows! Seriously!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

General Fools

It's the second of April! And that means it's time for (well, one day after) the April Fools Party, the most foolish party Jamaa's ever held! Take a look at General's Fool-arrific GIF below!

That's all for today - April Fool's! There's still some more to say.

First of all, there's a brand-new spring-based adventure titled Spring Festival. You can go play it now! According to my friend Spend E., you get a rainbow egg pedestal at the end. General still has to finish it to see if this is true!

There's also a new animal a-coming. It appears to be a gecko!

Now, that's actually all there is for today. Have a foolish day, my Jammers!

- General

Saturday, March 21, 2015

General Guest Appearance!

My buddy DaniCantu (known as Kitty Girl AJ on Google+ and YouTube) started an Animal Jam video series last year, titled "Animal Jam Rebel." The second season of the show has started production and General will make a few guest appearances! Look for him in the latest episode!

General is at the bottom of the screen
General appears in The Fight For Jamaa Part 2 as himself. In many season two episodes, he will appear as...

LORD RADICAND, a villainous robotic owl!

Subscribe to Kitty Girl AJ for all Rebel-related updates.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Generally Guessing

Today was an update-ful day for AJ - a new game available through the party selector, "Best Guess," has been introduced! In the game, Jammers must choose whether animal trivia statements are true or false. General absolutely loved the game, but not many other Jammers went to play it.

General was the only one to get this question right
Also, AJHQ has re-released lions. That's bad news for the people who already purchased a lion (like me) but good news for others.

That's all for now!

- General

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Slice-of-Pi General

Today guessed it...Pi Day! AJHQ is celebrating the special, mathematical occasion with all kinds of pi-related den items. General - being a math lover and all - had to get some, and now (with the help of Guintopia!) has a pi-themed den. Check it out below!

General's Pi Den
That's about it for now, my Pi Jammers. Be sure to check out "Lucky Clovers" - the amazing new seasonal adventure!

Your Pi-Loving Friend,

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

General Go Lucky!

Top o' the morning, Jammers! Today is my first post in over a month - mostly because of the strange disappearance of my close AJ buddy Captain (Squiddaddy / Guintopia!) that occurred about three weeks ago. Not to worry, General is still happy-fied with the awesome Lucky Party that has returned to Jamaa!

General at the Lucky Party!
General always wears his Rare Lucky Tuxedo, so he fit in perfectly. However, the items for sale at the party were all recycled from previous years - will new ones be coming soon?

That's about it for now! If you don't see me on AJ at my regular times, it's probably because I'm on Tiny Planets - an Animal Jam-ish game that I really like! You can play it at (Don't worry, I'm not replacing AJ with other games - it's the only other game I play).

Have a lucky day!

- General

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

General, The Play Wild BETA Tester

As most of you Jammers already know, AJHQ is going to release a mobile version of AJ soon. They've been selecting various Jammers from Animal Jam to become BETA testers, and guess who was chosen? That's right - General!

Momsandy is now a registered username on the app (thankfully, I chose it before anyone else could). The account is not connected with your basic AJ account (which I don't like), so all of your animals and items are...gone! They haven't released penguins yet - sad news for Gen - so I chose a rabbit and named it General Braverabbit, after my regular rabbit's name.

There's much to talk about with the new app! First of all, the only way to get in is to be recommended by a player or submit a form and hope to be chosen. I was recommended by one of my buddies, and was surprised! I immediately got out my Android Nextbook and cut to the chase. Take a look at the pictures below of my BETA account, with captions!

Loading! So excited!

General Braverabbit in my new BETA den! The flooring? Moon Dirt!

3D Falling Phantoms (General Braverabbit is on the left)

Logged in as Momsandy! Also, the BETA version (as of now) is Version 0.8 (not even Version 1 yet!)

Jam Mart Clothing...sort of.

The Jamaa Journal! looks like FMAN has already struck the app!

Well, it looks like that's all for now! I will be back with more happenings, but next time it's probably going to be back to regular AJ. Buh-bye, my Jammers!

- General

Monday, January 5, 2015

General's New Year!

It's 2015, my Jim-Jammers! That means the New Year's Party 2015 is here! You can check it out now - this time, the party's featuring items from all different holidays. Also, they've re-released the Jammer Anthem at the party.

There's not much more happenin' in Jamaa...but AJHQ has promised some stellar updates for 2015! Who's excited?

Well, gotta go!

See you later,
General B.